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Month: March 2025

Response to Junjoo’s Blog Post #3

Great post Junjoo! I really enjoyed reading it. You made great points on PLNs, particularly on how you make your PLN more inclusive. That’s something that not everyone thinks about. I like how you watch creators of other languages and other industries to promote inclusivity. That is dedication to inclusivity! It is always important to remember the key principles of UDL. These maintain diversity and inclusivity in PLN spaces. Encouraging participation is the most important thing to do in my opinion. By promoting participation you create a more welcoming space that makes people feel comfortable in your PLN. Thanks for sharing Jungjoo!


Response to Ariel’s Blog Post #3

Ariel, I enjoyed reading your post from blog post #3. Your ideas on PLNs and PLN spaces through social media were very intriguing. I too use my PLN to “access a diverse range of perspectives and resources.” I have found that this is the best way to utilize a PLN to its full potential. You can gain valuable knowledge that would otherwise be unavailable to you. I also enjoyed your section on challenges and the importance of diversity in digital learning. You highlighted challenges that come with ensuring diversity in digital learning that I had no thought of before. For example language and cultural gaps. It is important to recognize that most educational material we have may not be accessible for non-native speakers. Being in an online class room we have to be sensitive to potential classmates who are not native english speakers as they may have a harder time understanding the material. Thanks for sharing!


Response to Angela’s Blog Post #3

I really enjoyed reading your post from blog #3 Angela. I found your ideas on PLNs and their dynamics and inclusivity to be very compelling. I particularly enjoyed and found myself relating with a lot of your points about privacy, ethics, and security in digital spaces. I agree staying informed and on top of the privacy setting on social spaces is essential to protect our data. Many times I have disregarded this without taking into consideration what these companies may be doing with the personal information I provide them with. Even something as simple as accepting cookies can lead to your data being shared or sold to 3rd parties. I also agree with your take on practicing ethics in digital spaces to protect others’ privacy. It is important to remember that online spaces are a two way street, just as you trust that others will be sensitive with your data you must be sensitive with theirs as well. Thanks for sharing!  

Blog Post #4

What Are Personal Learning Networks (PLNs), and Why Are They Important?

Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) are “groups of people and resources that support an individual’s learning and growth” (Hotchin, 2025). PLNs act as a supportive ecosystem of connections and resources extending beyond traditional educational settings; they offer personalized learning experiences tailored to individual interests and goals. The personalized tailoring helps me focus on my areas of interests without having to sift through other parts that aren’t relevant to me. PLNs include “teachers, classmates, experts and colleagues” (Hotchin, 2025) and provides a platform to “share ideas, ask questions and learn from others with experience” (Hotchin 2025). These connections are important for gaining knowledge from others inside your field. The reason PLNs are important is because they foster knowledge and skill enhancement, offer personal and academic support, and provide resources for career development. In short PLNs are an essential support that I need for long term gain in my personal and academic goals.  

Social Media Dynamics for PLNs

Social media dynamics and understanding them are essential for effectively leveraging PLNs. The more you interact with certain content or certain users the more you will see that media in your day to day usage of social media “And thus your personal PLN will begin to bloom” (Gray, 2019). For me, staying aware of this dynamic helps me connect more effectively. One way I do this is by having professional accounts and personal accounts. On my personal accounts I like casual content and follow whoever I find interesting. On my professional accounts I make sure to only interact with people and posts that will foster learning in my field of interest. By doing so I can tailor my content into a PLN that supports my growth and development. 

Long-Term Network Development

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Building a strong PLN requires you to be “actively participating, sharing resources, and supporting others in your network” (Hotchin, 2025) by doing so you can cultivate meaningful connections through consistent engagement. “The more time you spend commenting and interacting on your social network, the stronger your digital relationship will become” (Gray, 2019). This means you need to stay on top of your PLN for it to grow and help you long term. It requires consistent work for “sustaining meaningful connections over time” (Hotchin, 2025). Staying consistently active is not the only thing you need for growing your PLN, you also need to stay current with the trends. By staying on top of trends you not only help yourself but you also help others in your PLN. This will also develop strong connections that you make through your PLN. 

PLNs are vital for personal, academic and professional growth as they provide valuable connections, resources and learning opportunities. It is not only beneficial to have a PLN but you also need to understand social media dynamics and stay active in engaging with content that aligns with your goals. By doing this you can gain a long-term network that supports you and enhances your learning and career development.


Gray, K. (2019, May 15). Leveraging social media to build a digital PLN. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/leveraging-social-media-build-digital-pln

Hotchin, J. (2025, March 4). Module 4 (Feb. 17th – Mar. 9th) – University of Victoria – EdTech. University of Victoria – EdTech. https://personalizedlearningnetwork.ca/category/module-4-feb-17th-mar-9th/

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